ODJ: Calling on the Caller
February 19, 2017
READ: Jeremiah 1:1-19
I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet (v.5).
One of my favorite lines in Donita K. Paul’s Realm Walkers book series is, “The called must call upon the caller.” I don’t usually pause to ponder wording in the middle of an action-packed book, but this line left me thinking about what it means to be called.
When Jeremiah received his call to ministry, he protested—stating he was too young and couldn’t speak for God (Jeremiah 1:6). But then God gave him further details of the call and enlarged his vision for the ministry to be done (vv.7-10). Encouraged, Jeremiah faithfully followed God’s instruction to deliver a difficult message that would ultimately endanger his life and earn him the title of the weeping prophet.
Later, God redirected Jeremiah by giving him a new message of reconciliation and healing. In response to the prophet’s surprise at this different path, God said, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come” (33:3). Without God’s direction for every step, the prophet could not have adequately fulfilled his life’s purpose.
Although we’re all called into being by God, only those who take the time to ask, seek out, and listen to His purpose for their lives have a chance of fulfilling it. None of us comes into the world with a complete picture of what God has called us to do.
As we continue into a new year filled with new challenges and prospects, let’s call on the One who has called us, that we may better know Him and His ways. In the spirit of Philippians 3:13-14, may we forget those things which are in the past and look forward to those things which lie ahead, and to which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
—Remi Oyedele
365-day plan: Numbers 13:1-14:4
Read Isaiah 55:6-9 for the prophet’s perspective on why it’s vital for you to seek God.
In what ways have you called on God for direction and guidance through life’s journey? How has life been different in those times when you sought God rather than pursuing your own agenda?