ODJ: Big and Small
January 8, 2017
READ: Matthew 6:25-34
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today (v.34).
Some big interviews lay ahead as I continued my quest to join the UK’s Royal Navy as a chaplain. That included psychometric tests, practical leadership tasks, planning exercises, and the writing of essays. I needed to take several trains down to the interview location, plan my interview techniques, and practice answers.
I prepared all that I could, and yet I still worried. I hardly noticed the beautiful blue sky outside because my thoughts consumed me. The gorgeous day slipped by into a sunset—wasted as I worried.
In Matthew 6, we find a well-known portion of Scripture dealing with worry. I’ve often read it as a rebuke for having weak faith. As Jesus said, “Why do you have so little faith?” (v.30). There’s certainly that element to it, but it’s much more about revealing our God who’s sovereign, knows everything, and yet is concerned with the smallest details.
“Look at the birds. . . . Your heavenly Father feeds them” (v.26). God cares for even the smallest of winged creatures. “Look at the lilies” (v.28). God has seen every flower that has ever sprouted. “Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs” (v.32). That means every need—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. And every need in our past, present, and future. Jesus reveals to us one thing that should separate us from those who don’t believe in Him—peace that He alone brings.
God is so vast and unfathomable that sometimes we think He’s distant. But even in His bigness, He’s uniquely qualified to handle all of our cares—no matter how big or small they are. Jesus says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else . . . and he will give you everything you need” (v.33). Let’s leave our worries with Him!
—Russell Fralick
Note: Russell was accepted as a chaplain and is now serving in the Royal Navy
365-day plan: Genesis 11:1-9
Read Isaiah 55:8 and consider how God is uniquely qualified to meet our needs.
What do you do with your worries? How can you learn to rest in the peace and joy that God provides?