ODB: It’s What We Do

August 22, 2015

READ: Psalm 112 

Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. Proverbs 14:26 (niv)

My father was critically injured when he took a bullet in the leg as a second lieutenant leading his men on Hill 609 in North Africa during World War II. Dad was never again 100 percent physically. I was born several years after this, and when I was young I didn’t even know he had been wounded. I found out later when someone told me. Although he felt constant pain in his leg, my dad never complained about it, and he never used it as an excuse for not providing for our family.

My parents loved the Savior and raised us to love, trust, and serve Him. Through good times and bad, they simply trusted God, worked hard, and loved us unconditionally. Proverbs 14:26 says that “Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge” (niv). My dad did that for our family. No matter what difficulties he faced, he provided a safe place for us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

We parents can provide a safe haven for our families with the help of our perfect heavenly Father, whose love for His children is deep and eternal.

— Dave Branon

How has God been a Father to you? In what ways do you honor Him in your family life?

Share your answers to that question on odb.org

The Father’s love knows no limit.

Source: Our Daily Bread