HONG KONG: Loving our neighbors

I recently met a group of Hong Kong Junior High students who left a deep impression on me. These students volunteer as Chinese tutors in a class organized by an evangelistic organization, to help youth from countries like Nepal, Pakistan and India, learn Chinese–free of charge.
Every Friday evening, the tutors would arrive early to set up the venue. As the foreign students file into the class, they would greet each and every one of them and divide them into different groups for tutoring. When the time is up, the tutors would send the students and parents off with big smiles and arrange everything back to its original place.
The fact that these young volunteers choose to devote their limited time to help those who are in need, despite having to also handle their own academic demands, inspires me. Through their example, I’ve witnessed how we can respond to God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves in a very practical way.
I am truly encouraged by this group of young people. And I pray that more Christian young people can be built up in God’s love and respond to the call to love our neighbors, out of our love for God!
LILY LIN | Hong Kong
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