This Month’s Theme:
God in Our Midst

For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 2:17-18

illustration of a city watched over by God

Artist’s Reflection

It leaves me humbled and in awe, how the Creator of the universe chose to come down to earth and embrace the life of a human being. This reminds me that because He went through that, God relates to us and understands everything we go through. He Himself faced temptations, persecution, and even betrayal from those closest to him. And yet through all that, He overcame and did not sin.

These verses from Hebrews are such an affirmation that I am never alone. That He’s closer than I think He is; He walks beside me every day, He understands all my fears, frustrations, hopes and desires. I don’t have to face the future on my own because He is with me and is cheering me on. When I’m faced with a challenge, I’m reminded that because of the cross, I can also claim that same victory to overcome!

Through this illustration, I wanted to convey how the Lord is amongst us even when we can’t see Him. He is the light in our darkness and our hope when times seem bleak. May this encourage you to hold on to the victory we have in Christ!


Join in the Conversation

“Christ is the head of this house”—How many of you are familiar with this phrase? 

Yet, how often are we truly aware of Jesus’s presence? How often do we remember that He was, at one point, literally among us? 

In Jesus, we see the most relational side of God. One who cared enough to walk in our shoes. Who knows what it’s like–to be tempted, tired, rejected, ridiculed, wounded. Not only does He understand, He overcame all these things and continues to prayerfully watch over us, assuring us that we, too, can overcome, by His strength (Hebrews 2:17-18).

Jesus is still with us even today (Matthew 28:20). Would we invite Him to come and make our hearts His home? (John 14:23)

Thoughts? Here are two questions for you to reflect on: 
1. How does thinking about Jesus as “one of us”–human–help you face life? 
2. How is Jesus real to you today?

Got a story to share? Check out our writer’s guidelines and write to us!

Jesus made fully human in every way
Living a simple and humble life
Knowing our needs – physical, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual
Understanding our limitations – weaknesses, struggles
Showing compassion to the sick and the lost
Dedicating time to teach and serve those he loved – his disciples
Facing rejection and persecution for preaching the truth
Enduring temptation and suffering

Our merciful and faithful high priest
Teaching us how to pray and relate to our Father
Sending us the Holy Spirit to remind us of His teachings
Listening to our prayers
Interceding for us in our trials and temptations
Showing His authority over the world to strengthen our faith and spread the gospel
Covering us with his constant presence

Join in the Fun

If you’re more of a visual person, you can be a part of the YMI community by contributing or tagging your artworks with our hashtag #ymitoday. Check out our creatives’ guidelines and send us your artworks.

We know you love your colours, so do we! Every two months, we set a colour theme that we’ll work around. Use the colour palette below to increase your chances of getting featured!