This Month’s Theme:
Our Living Hope in Changing Times

That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.

1 Timothy 4:10

image of two hands with light shining in the middle

Artist’s Reflection

The New Year is a humbling and encouraging time for so many. As Christians, it’s a time for us to reflect on the ways we want to better glorify God and draw near to Him in the coming year, and a time to rest in Him after the frenetic, joyful, and sometimes painful season of Christmas.

After a trying few years, my husband and I did a week-long fast at the start of Jan 2021 in order to draw near to God and wholeheartedly seek Him. I look back and almost long for that time in which I felt so wholly reliant on His grace. Our lives are so different now almost a year later and that is all down to God’s timing, goodness, and grace. Every day I must re-learn to rely on Him, otherwise I will never be truly satisfied.

In this illustration, I wanted to convey the darkness of a difficult year being broken by the brightest hope humans have–the hope that we have in our Saviour. A hope that is not self-seeking or boastful, but full of compassion, humility, truth, and patience. Let’s trust in our beautiful Saviour to lead us through another potentially uncertain year!

—Naomi Trollope

Join in the Conversation

What are your hopes for this year?

Perhaps it’s for that special someone to finally come. A promotion, more pay, or better work hours. Or just a job. Good health. Family’s well being. The pandemic to finally, finally blow over.

The past couple of years have been difficult, with many hopes stalled, if not dashed altogether. Yet, it’s when we are on our knees that we learn to look up and see the truly enduring Hope: Our Father of light, who does not change like shifting shadows; who has brought us from death to life and will one day make us complete in Him.

Where our earthly hopes remain unfulfilled wishes, our heavenly hope is a fulfilled promise in Jesus. 

So let us place our hope in our unchanging, ever faithful God. In our weariness, let us cling to our  Sustainer who’ll carry us to the end. In our darkest days, let us look to the Light that will never fade.

If you have a story of hope to share, we want to hear from you. Check out our writer’s guidelines and start writing to us!

Here are some subthemes to help you get started: 

  • Hope in the living God
  • Saved by believing
  • Labour and strive—training for godliness (1 Timothy 4:8)

Hope in the living God
Hope in life and life in hope, God the true source of life, seeing goodness in God’s creation, soaking in His living (active) & life-giving Word, finding assurance in Jesus’s resurrection, confidence in God’s character (loving, just, good, faithful, powerful), trusting God’s promises. Hope as source of emotional strength, perseverance in suffering and setbacks, joy in discouragement, deliverance in temptation, hope for growth and change, hope in the new (God will make all things new) 

Saved by believing
God our deliverer and refuge, salvation in obedience, receiving grace and faith, saying no to salvation by merit, believing in and living by God’s truth, walking by faith/daily dependence on God, boasting in God, resting in Jesus 

Labour and strive – training for godliness (1 Timothy 4:8)
Keeping God’s truth in our hearts, seeking God’s will and pleasure for us, prioritising our spiritual growth, asking God for wisdom, exercising discernment, holding on to sound teaching, recognising lies/false teachings, giving up worldly practices (false godliness, seeking people’s approval, harbouring pride), eat and drink to the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31), submitting to God, upholding peace with others, storing up treasures in heaven

Join in the Fun

If you’re more of a visual person, you can be a part of the YMI community by contributing or tagging your artworks with our hashtag #ymitoday. Check out our creatives’ guidelines and send us your artworks.

We know you love your colours, so do we! Every two months, we set a colour theme that we’ll work around. Use the colour palette below to increase your chances of getting featured!