
How to Trust God in the Season of Job-hunting

I spent six months of my life as a couch potato.

By the time I started my new job, I knew which online channels you could surf for the latest television series. I had also become a regular fixture at my local pool’s swim squad and gym classes, and my favourite Japanese crime-thriller author could not get his books translated into English fast enough to keep up with my reading appetite.

It was a lifestyle I enjoyed for the first three months, having just resigned from a stressful job which had torn my confidence into shreds. But lifestyle of leisure was not a sustainable one, and I was soon running out of funds. My bank balance was running low, my bills were piling up, and I had just spent close to a thousand dollars on my car.

So, I did what most people in that situation would do: I started hunting for a job. And that began a long and painful process in which I was forced to rely on God.

It was not easy trusting God over the half year that followed. I spent countless hours submitting job applications, only to receive emails with, “We regret to inform you . . .” Then there were times I would prepare for interviews, only to be told, “We have decided to go with the other candidate . . .”

The tears I shed over the rejections could rival Niagara Falls. But in the six months I spent job-hunting, I learned more about God than I would have if my prayer requests came through instantly.

When I resigned from my reporting job, I was ready to also call it quits with writing. I did not want to go near anything that required writing, and I was quite happy to look for a career in accounting, which was the degree I graduated with.

However, God had other plans for me. At a leadership weekend at my church, a sermon by an American pastor, John Bevere, had me retracting my earlier decision. Pastor Bevere spoke on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), which talks about a group of servants who are entrusted with talents to look after while their master is away. A few tend to and grow their gifts, but one of the servants hides his talent. When his master discovers this, he reprimands the servant for being wicked and lazy, and takes his talent away from him.

The sermon reminded me to make use of my talents properly, and convicted me that I should really give writing another go. Sometimes, as we ask God to show us what steps to take next, we fail to take little steps of obedience now.

Are you job-hunting now? Is there something you need to do in the meantime before God shows you your next step? Maybe you have always longed to volunteer at your local animal shelter or soup kitchen, or serve in church. This could be the perfect time for you to do things you otherwise had no time for, especially if your motivation is to use your skills to advance God’s interests in the world. It could also be God’s way of helping you pick up important skills your future employer is looking for, or those that will help you be an effective testimony of Him at work.

For me, I had to start writing again as an act of obedience to God.

I wish I could tell you that job offers came pouring in after I started writing for YMI. But they didn’t. The rejection emails continued to come. There were nights I would lie awake, worrying about my future and comparing my situation with friends who had fancy job titles.

Yet God has promised us that He will look after us, and that He has our future in His hands. Luke 12:32 gave me a lot of comfort during this time. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

The other thing I learned from my job hunting was that my identity does not come from any posh-sounding job title. Rather, my identity is in Christ. While men may judge my “unemployed” status, God sees me as His precious child, and my worth in His eyes does not drop an iota.

It is easy for us to derive our value from what is printed on our business cards. But the identity we find in God is something no one can take away from us. Our companies might tell us to pack up and leave as a result of a gloomy economy, but if we know who we are in Christ, we will not let it batter our confidence.

I waited for what seemed like eternity before I was offered my current job. And you know what? It was so much better than what I could have ever hoped and prayed for. It came with an attractive pay, a better work environment, and regular work hours.

Perhaps you are in similar situation. Maybe you have applied for so many jobs that you have lost count, and you feel like you are about to buckle from parental and peer pressure. But take heart and know that God is a God of more than enough (Ephesians 3:20). He will uphold you with His right hand (Isaiah 41:10), and He will give strength to the weary (Isaiah 40:29).

Your job hunt may look bleak. But I know God answers prayers at His appointed time. Corrie Ten Boom once said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” So cling on to God and the hope He offers; He will see you through to the end.


87 replies
  1. Lianna
    Lianna says:

    This is so inspiring!! I just applied for my first job today and I have been doubting myself as in “I’m not going to get hired.” Reading this article comforts me knowing that God will always guide me in a where I’m meant to be and will never leave my side. <3

  2. Jonathan
    Jonathan says:

    I will be bookmarking this for future. My story is similar that I quit a job that killed my confidence. It has caused me to really wonder if i am cut out for my career choice. However, this article has encouraged me so much. Trusting God with my job is something I am daily struggling with but I truly am trying to. Thank you for your words and listening to God in your talents.

  3. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    thanks for this one.
    I find myself in this particular situation. I have a degree in finance but I love writing. I am waiting on God’s timing now.

  4. Ann
    Ann says:

    Thank you so much for this. I had a good job but my manager failed to recommend my contract renewal when I went for maternity. It was really bitter pill to swallow but slowly am learning to let go and Trusting God for another opportunity.

  5. Jason Barnes
    Jason Barnes says:

    I have an accounting degree, but I have been out of a job for years. I’m slowly applying to jobs and submitting my resume. I worked for a BIG four when I graduated from college but that was almost ten years ago. I find myself reaching for my bible more and more instead of my phone to look up jobs. I find that trusting in the lord is the only definite choice and I pray for the right career opportunity at the right time, but I know all of that is up to God. I’m learning to be patient and understanding.

    • Becky
      Becky says:

      I want to have such all encompassing faith in Christ.
      Please don’t take this wrong, but how are you paying your bills and surviving?

    • Tina
      Tina says:

      Jason wondering if you will see this. I’m in a similar situation. Do you or Becky have any advice on how to pay bills? I’m over qualified for most positions I’m told. No matter what I say they assume I am a flight risk.

  6. Mariah Mills
    Mariah Mills says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this article. I took a step of faith almost a year ago to leave the job I was as because I was burned out. I worked 3yrs doing graphic desisn after graduation and I left on great terms just knew it was time. Since I have a new job I landed and for the first time ever its a retail job which everyday I growing to dislike and trying not to despise I sometimes feel like I din know how to get back in the door doing what I was doing and feel under qualified and discouraged sometimes. I geatly appreciate your honesty in your journey and godly wisdom. It was such a blessing and an encouragement.

    • Evelyn
      Evelyn says:

      This is exactly me today! I left my Graphic Design job of 3 years last year and have got a retail job lined up. How are you now and where are you at? I would love to hear how things have held up for you 🙂

  7. Rhenesia
    Rhenesia says:

    Wow wow wow and wow! If I read this a few months ago I would not have understood it but I went through the very same and I believe it is now my Testimony. I totally agree that what we think might not be for us but God has another plan, after all God knows the Plans He has for us, plans to give us hope and future! I had to find my identity in Christ and had to be reminded that my identity does not come from a fancy job or status. I believe my experience was humbling. I’m much stronger and I am also continuously aiming to not be my job, a job doesn’t define us.

  8. T
    T says:

    Thank you for writing this, Michelle. When I read the first few paragraphs, I wanted to burst into tears because that was my exact experience, down to being a couch potato for six months, all the while believing that I would find the right job even if job rejections and personal defeats were already telling me otherwise. I thought I was working for my dream job, that is, until it burned me out. I was trying to do everything on my own without God. Quitting that job gave me the clarity I needed to face the truth that it wasn’t what I wanted anymore. But quietly, it also shattered me. Everything I thought I knew about myself and my future had been wiped blank. Still, I’m learning to let go and wait on God for the right opportunity and timing.

    • Michele
      Michele says:

      Hi T, thank you for taking the time to comment on this post. In my oponion, the season of job hunting has probably got to be one of the hardest seasons in anyone’s life. A rapidly dwindling bank account and long days spent at home can get quite stressful. Corrie Ten Boom once said, “never be afraid to trust an unknown future in a known God”. Trust god, he has your future in his hands.

    • Cressida
      Cressida says:

      Same here. Except, the fact I am a graduate, trying to land a job. But calls me to wait and work on my blog that I started recently. Being an indecisive and an introverted person, I don’t know if I should apply for jobs or should I let the offer come to me. I trust God, but the external pressure forces me to think otherwise. It will be great, if someone could answer this question should I wait and not do any job hunting or should I do it. I hope God tells any one of u to answer this question.

  9. JY
    JY says:

    wow, thank you for sharing this. i’ve been unemployed for almost 4 months now, rejection after rejection. this has reminded me to lean in on God and His promises. thank u 🙂

  10. Judith
    Judith says:

    Thank you for this article. I have been out of a job for almost 4 months, and have been clinging to God to help me through the restlessness. He’s been faithful to watch over my bills, but it can only be for so long that the companies demand payment. Every time I want to apply somewhere, I get this impression to wait. I don’t believe God would not have me apply to open positions. Either way, I went ahead and applied to a few companies and only heard back from one. It is long distance though. I have asked the Lord to make clear if it is for me, but am now riddled with the idea I went ahead of Him or am trying to help Him. I need prayer and healthy counsel. It is trying to wait sometimes, and am praying for clear guidance to where I need to be. I find it more difficult when He asks me to do something that doesn’t make sense. I believe we have all been there before. Thank you, again. Blessings!

    • Redal
      Redal says:

      Thank you for sharing, I am currently struggling with this as well and it has been 4 months of browsing through the website; wanting to apply for jobs. Although I didn’t get the impression to wait, I read on articles that shared on “a season to draw close to Him” and wondered if the season for me right now is to spend more time with Him.

      Previously, being overworked and burned out from work made me spend lesser time with Him.

      On the other hand, I am worried and anxious as days goes by. I had thoughts if I should go ahead and apply for jobs. But i’m still praying for guidance and clarity. I’m still doing my best to look through

  11. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    This article is timely indeed. It has been five months now since my contract ended and what you’ve described as a couch potato is me to a tee. Anxiety is piling up. The waiting period is the hardest. I have applied numerous jobs and some I’ve been called back but nothing past the written assessment stage. I’m still waiting on God and His appointed time. Keep me in prayer for something to come up. Stay blessed.

  12. Ron
    Ron says:

    Dear Michele,

    Thank you for what you shared back on Oct 8, 2015, which is relevant today on trusting & submitting to God during our job search. We have a propensity to use worldly tactics when job hunting that’s guided by our own strength, wisdom and timing, which is a recipe for failure.

    Waiting is not easy, submitting fully to God’s will with our limited or better said, dim understanding of His perfect plan is challenging (1 Corinthians 13:12), but we can’t allow the enemy, fear, anxious or even our family and friends sway our fortitude in God to press forward and actively wait for His best. I know this all too well, as I’ve been out of work for about 10 months now.

    Actively waiting means to seek and acknowledge the Lord day and night in prayer with thanksgiving and confess our anxious thoughts to a God who understands our weak frame, (Philippians 4:6). We need to actively work on lessening the noise around us and peacefully meditate on His scriptures, allow Him to constantly grow our relationship of dependency upon Him, share with others our belief in the hope of His unconditional loving faithfulness that He will see us through to the other side.

    The Lord knows our struggles, if we’re not there yet with fully believing, we need to ask our gracious God to increase our unbelief. (Mark 9:24)

    Lastly, actively serving during this time will help replace our self-centered thoughts with other-centered thoughts, which brings a multitude of blessings in return.

    For all my fellow job seeking friends, be of good courage, stay strong and wait on the Lord!

    Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! (Psalm 27:14)

    In Christ we love,


    • Cindy Lightfoot
      Cindy Lightfoot says:

      Thanks so much. Sometimes it can be a bit discouraging to apply for numerous position s, but getting the dreaded we decided to move on to other candidates. Help me God please.

  13. Sam
    Sam says:

    Thank you for such encouragement Brother . I have just come from the interview . Trusting God in the Call await .

  14. Fani
    Fani says:

    Thank you so much for this message …I’ve been out of work for a year now and it has been hard , I don’t even want to start talking about the numerous job applications I have made and the not so pleasing replies I get back But in all things I’m still thankful to God for everything he has done . I know that he has awesome plans for me and yes the waiting period is the hardest but it has also taught me to serve God diligently , I’m still a work in progress but the more I wait on him, the more he opens my eyes to different aspects of my life . I’m so hopeful that everything I desire will end in praise.

  15. Eliya
    Eliya says:

    In have never been able to find work, even though I’ve submitted numerous applications and and have had a couple interviews. Satan had been trying to get me to dwell on that, planting seeds of doubt and hopelessness into my mind. I remember, though, that God does not value me based on what I do, but on who I am, His daughter and He died on the cross for us– that’s having value. While I search for jobs, I remind myself that God is good and He has a plan for my life and a job He needs me to do, and to be His servant in the meantime. God bless you all, fellow job-hunters, trust In The Lord and His timing and plan for you.

  16. John Fairest
    John Fairest says:

    This article is encouraging. If your talents seem out of date that can also be a challenge. If you have worked in the same industry for years that may be a challenge in looking at the transferable skills or re training

  17. Priscilla
    Priscilla says:

    What an encouragement, I have been unemployed for 4 years and most of the time was tempted to give up but with such testimonies am soldiering trusting God for a great opening.

  18. Tracie
    Tracie says:

    Plz pray for me. I am having a hard time. I recently had an interview but didn’t get the job. Trying to be patient. Struggling with jealousy and envy and forgiveness. 50yrs old and I feel like a failure bcuz I don’t have my degree. Have asked GOD to show me what my talent is. Don’t really have any friends to talk to. Plz could someone respond. Thank you.

    • Irina
      Irina says:

      I will pray for you and all job-seekers who having a hard time. It really hard in job-hunting season. I also applied to so many places and it all ended either without any answer or failed on the interview. But let’s not forget that God soon will reveals His plan for us in the right time and He never make us struggle in sth that we can’t pass.

    • Saul
      Saul says:

      Hi Tracy, Prayers going your way. Dont lose hope or faith in God.
      Everything is in Gods timing. He is NEVER late. Trust in Him.

  19. Waiting419
    Waiting419 says:

    I have a master’s degree and it’s been hard for me to find a job in the career field I went to school for. I am employed, but the pay is very low, and I’ve had to ask people for money to cover my bills. It’s embarrassing!

    On a positive note, there’s an opportunity at my current job right now, and I’m grateful that I met some people that can put in a good word for me to at least get an interview for the opportunity. The waiting game is SO HARD, I’m frustrated, tired and restless. I’ve been praying to God for Him to open this door, and I pray He does it soon! I can’t take too much more of being tired and BROKE!!!

    • cedarness
      cedarness says:

      Wishing your waiting game was finished. I shared your same feeling. I’m seeking the permanent job for 18 months and loads of rejection or long waiting time…then said there is another candidate…This is so HARD. I therefore turn to God and always remind myself all His mercy and gifts to me in many many times and years in my life. He will provide the best to us in His time.

  20. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement. It really lifted my spirits. I was feeling down. I’m employed at an agency working with children. The workload has truly burned me out. I have been looking for another job but no luck. It’s very frustrating because I’m looking for a job close to home, no late nights and less stress. I prayed and prayed and waited and waited and nothing! It’s so so hard to wait on God. But I have no choice but wait because he knows best.

  21. brian umeh
    brian umeh says:

    Very much struggling to have faith in the Lord right now. I’m grateful for life but feel my mind is confused, anxious and not trusting in His ways. Its going on 7 months without a full time job and I don’t really know I would love to do, yet I’m supposed to wait for God to reveal it to me. So much frustration right now!

  22. Ailed
    Ailed says:

    Thank you for this! I really needed to hear this. I’ve been currently asking myself, maybe during this time instead of feeling defeated i should work towards whatever God has for me. Then i stumble with this article/testimony, definitely came at the right time.

  23. Courtney
    Courtney says:

    I am thanking God that I stumbled upon this article. Thank you! Please continue to write, you definitely have a gift.

  24. Ben
    Ben says:

    I graduated with a master’s degree in aerospace 2 years ago and has since returned to Singapore. I have been to numerous interviews, prepared for them to the best i could, but yet received rejection emails or just being left out in the cold. Admittedly, there are learning points that i could improve from the interviews but the rejection and cold treatment has not been the least encouraging. Like the author, I often find myself hiding behind games, movies and dramas because its so much easier than to look for job and feel rejected.

    By God’s grace, I was able to volunteer in a church for 11 months last year and I ended my stint recently. I would like to pursue a career that is related to what I am studying but I have realised that it is important to listen and discern God’s voice and calling for us. I must say I am not really sure where God wants to put me in yet. But like everyone of you here, I am still waiting and I will be hopeful that God will part the red sea when the time comes. I empatise with the feelings of those who feel your savings dwindling and yet sees no way out of the current problem.

    Just a few thoughts that I hope to encourage everyone:

    When the Israelites escaped from Egypt, the Egyptian soldiers were pursuing them closely – imagine the feelings and thoughts going through their mind when they had to wait for the red sea to part. When God parted the red sea, the Israelites did not have the luxury to take their time to cross to the other side. Likewise, finance may be running dry and there are people whom we need to provide for, but trust in God that He will provide.

    Before Joseph became the Vizier to the pharoah, he was betrayed by his brothers, accused by his master and thrown into Jail. However, all this was to prepare him to become the Vizier, and to become a blessing to his family. God, in his own unique way, prepare us for the things he has planned for us to do. While not all of us will become someone seemingly great like a vizier, but definitely we will be called to greater things for his glory (:

    In the meantime, let us endeavor to become faithful and loyal servant as we are trusted with our time as jobseekers. To update our skills as required, to fellowship with friends, to network with people, to understand more about the job market, and finally to courageously and prayerfully submit our resumes regardless of the outcome! But of course, I encourage everyone to take this time to read the bible more. My fiance and I often encourage one another to read 4 chapters a day and that should bring us reading the entire bible at the end of 1 year!

    Blessed day to all!

  25. Samantha Williams
    Samantha Williams says:

    Thank you…I got fired 4 months ago…my boss told people that he was going to get rid of me because he was threatened by me…I was shocked that he was able to do it…I am praying every day to find another job…as hard as it is I just find a way to stay focus on the fact that god had me!

  26. cedarness
    cedarness says:

    I was one of the hundreds being fired in the MNC about 18 months ago. It started my long job seeking journey. I would like to thank God and his provision, I got a contract role in the last 12 months and it will end in end 2018. I have frustration again as all stress for the financial obligation and worry came to my mind. I got another rejection call today after the job interview for 2 months. The waiting time is almost killing me. I don’t know what the destination God will bring me to. I learn and learn again to rely on God, trust in Him and praise to Him in whatever circumstances. It’s so hard.

    I am praying for extra strength, belief and peace in mind. Although there is only 2 months left before my contract end, I am wondering if any job offer will come before year end. I always remind myself that there are so many miracles and unplanned but best arrangement from God in my life. I choose to believe in Him. I would like to share this kind of job losing, job seeking and long waiting is sharing among Christians community. Don’t give up. We can be unhappy and feeling sad in a day but please let us rejoice in another day. Amen

  27. Christina
    Christina says:

    I broke down reading this. Thank you. I have been fighting lies of being incapable, unqualified, and “stupid” even after a 4 year degree. God loves me, and cares about me- that’s a truth I wish I could believe more often. Thank you.

    • Ren
      Ren says:

      I am in the exact situation as you are. God is truly with us every step. We need to hold on to His hands

  28. Calvin
    Calvin says:

    I guess. I don’t know. I’ve been out of work for a year and a half. I can’t find anything, and if I spend 8 hours applying to things for some reason the only thing I ever get is rejection emails. I guess my faith isn’t strong enough or something but my bank account is in the negative. I’m at the end of my rope… how is this God’s will for my life?

    • Tassoni
      Tassoni says:

      Hi Calvin,
      Greeting! Grow closer to God.
      My job recently laid me off end of January and I have about 1 month and 1 week of paycheck coming in until I don’t what.. I have submitted at least 50 job applications a day and all I get is rejection emails too. However, I somehow feel at peace!

      I believe the reason is that I know in my heart, I can feel it in my bones that God is working and adding the finishing touches to “MY” breakthrough and this is a time to grow closer to him. The biggest lesson I have learned that this the relationship I have with God works two both ways. I want somethings. He wants somethings too. And it is the most basic thing…our time.

      That feeling you’re having of being at the end of your rope is not of God because God is a God of peace. The rope doesn’t have an end. There are knots along the rope, but there is no end. You’re at a point on your rope where you need to get over a knot to keep going. I would suggest reading and STUDYING the book of proverbs. Read a chapter a day and mediate on the words. God back and re-read that chapter at night. Allow those words to marinate. WATCH how your bank account will turn from negative to positive! You’ll see what i mean when I say your rope has no end but instead just little knots along the way.

      Grow closer to God, Calvin, make him your best friend and you’ll see his will for you 🙂

      Heavenly father, in the name of Jesus, I say thank you in advance. Lord, I am thanking you for plan I know you are working on for Calvin at this moment. Holy Spirit show Calvin what he needs to be doing in this season. Show him the path he needs to be on so that he will be equipped when God is ready to manifest his perfect blessing. Lord, you said that you will provide all that we need and we need not to worry. I am asking you that you continue to provide for Calvin and show him that if the birds survive, he is more precious to you and you will bless him much more. I rebuke his negative bank account in the name of Jesus.
      Father, again, thank you in advance for Calvin’s blessings and breakthroughs.

  29. Alysha
    Alysha says:

    I broke down reading this. Thank you for this timely reminder. Like many I too have been having difficulty trusting in God’s plans for my life. I’ve been feeling so confused, frustrated, incompetent… just to name a few. My husband and I migrated to a new country. We both came with no industry contacts or anything. We both spent time searching. And within three months he was able to get a managerial job (similar to what he had in our home country). I’m at the point where I’m jealous of his success. My highest level of education is a Master’s degree and five months later, I’m still unemployed. It’s just all so confusing. To make matters worse, everyone in our friend circle from our home country (who also live in our new country) are all successfully employed and are well paid. Hard not to wonder if something is wrong with me. But… I’ll try my best to hold on nevertheless to God’s hands.

    • Hannah.W
      Hannah.W says:

      Hello there Alysha, i know it’s so hard sometimes thinking all sorts of things and seeing people around you thrive. My message to you is this, Do not lose heart, hold on to God’s word. You have an assurance in Him and He never changes. Do not compare your journey with others because the imprints of your journey are going to be significant, God will surely bless you. Stay positive, stay blessed.

  30. Hannah.W
    Hannah.W says:

    This post is so inspiring! I am just getting to read it now and this perfectly describes my situation. For any one reading this thinking you are alone, you are never alone. Sometimes, it’s so easy to give up yet we do not lose heart because our inner self is renewed day by day. What if we think of it this way, embracing the beauty of nothingness where all we have is God because even when we acquire things and receive blessings all we will remember and have is our creator.

    There are 2 verses that keeps me from being anxious and worried about the uncertainty i face; Philippians 4:6- “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” and Luke 12:25-27 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

    What a friend we have in Jesus indeed, he will never leave you nor forsake you. And as it is written in Psalms 91:1-2; “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in Him I will trust.” My message to you reading this is, Keep Hope Alive. Let it ignite your flame of Faith and as you seek and wait upon the Lord in this waiting time, you shall never be put to shame. Your season and appointed time is coming! Praise the Lord. Give thanks for His mercies endureth Forever. Be blessed special people and wait on the Lord!

    • Gcebile Makhanya
      Gcebile Makhanya says:

      Amen & amen thank you so much for this it’s 2022 & I am on this article & reading through my faith us revived I am encouraged,my Father has good plans for me!

  31. Leah
    Leah says:

    I have been searching for work for the past four years. I have put in application after application to many businesses, yet have been unsuccessful with landing a job. I often succumb to the fears and distress Satan plants in me regarding my lack of finances. Some days they take up all my thoughts to the point where I am sick with worry.

    Worry is a sin.

    I have been so selfish in thinking I know what is best for my life, always worrying about myself, instead of dwelling on the awesomeness of God and of who He is. He has a plan for my life, even through this time of unemployment.

    I remember God’s words to Peter in Matthew 8, asking him, “Oh ye of little faith, why do you doubt?” We know God is with us and in perfect control, we see Him walk on the water, but all too often we take our eyes off Jesus, and instead allow ourselves to be burdened with fear, doubt, anxiety and more. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Why do we so foolishly doubt our divine creator, our heavenly Father, who knows all things and sees all things?

    God shows Himself to us in many ways. He reminds us to breath… to hope… and to trust Him. His eye is on the sparrow. He created us and has a purpose for us. He promises to give us a hope and a future. Even though our future might seem uncertain, God has it in His hands. Pray that God directs you to what He has for you to do. He will reveal it to you in His time.

  32. Charm
    Charm says:

    I needed encouragement and came across this site. It’s no coincidence so I have been blessed by it. I have been struggling to get permanent employment from the time I graduated 10 years ago. Back when I was a student there were lots of jobs on the market in the career I was pursuing. But since I graduated it became more and more scarce each year. I started regretting my career choice. And all those rejections makes one question our self worth. And this is where the enemy sees our lowest point and use it to his advantage to attack us, especially our mind. So as believers we must not get shaken by our circumstances- what we see or what we hear. I believe we are being trained to walk in the spirit. I learnt to fight back as soon as those negative thoughts came in. Put on your armor. In my circumstances I have seen how God has revealed Himself as my Provider. We can never do this trials on our own. We also go through trials for God to use us to be a blessing to others. Thank you YMI, God bless.

  33. Soph
    Soph says:

    Hi Michele!

    Thank you so much for sharing this encouraging post! It’s really encouraging to read all these comments and reminders from others that all we really need to do is trust in Him and He will guide our ways.

    I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions, though this may not be the right channel of communication, but

    1) how did you go from a degree in accounting to journalism?

    2) Not really a question but i’m in this rut of figuring out what i like and what i want to do with my life and i’ve recently discovered that I’ve always loved to write even when I was a kid. I’ve recently just graduated with a degree in accounting (which is something that I don’t really want to do but being from an Asian household, you just go along with whatever your parents tell you to do so I did that) and I want to pursue a career that involves writing so that I can create meaningful content that will impact the lives of others. Be it a blog post or a novel, just something, anything to leave my mark no matter how small it is or — even if people don’t remember who wrote it — just something to leave an impression on people and make them think about questions that they’ve never thought about.

    but if that was tldr:

    1) how did you know that God wanted you to go into writing as a full time career?

    2) did your parents object to you leaving your home country to immigrate to a new one?

    • YMI
      YMI says:

      Hi Soph,

      Thank you for your comment! I am glad the article has encouraged you 🙂

      I knew I wanted to be a journalist since I was 12, but wasn’t sure how I would go about pursuing a career in journalism. I did English all throughout high school, and graduated with a Commerce/Arts conjoint at University. I majored in Accounting and English. The economic meltdown that happened when I finished my degree played in my favor as accounting firms were not really hiring. Subsequently, I was fortunate to be offered a scholarship to attend journalism school. That was how I got into reporting! If you enjoy writing, you can almost always start anywhere – find a topic that you enjoy writing on, or something you would like to address, and give it a go.

      “How do I know God wanted me to go into writing as a full-time career”. Well, I didn’t, and it was something I wrestled with when God called me back into full-time writing again. But He nudged me through my passion (writing).

      No, my parents didn’t object to me leaving my home country. They were supportive of me, and have come to accept I will never be an accountant in this lifetime.

      Once again, thank you for your comment, Soph. I pray for God’s wisdom to be with you as you seek out your career path.

      Thank you,

  34. Rheine 27
    Rheine 27 says:

    I am currently pressured right now, due to many instances and feeling down with my current job status. Hoping to have an optimistic mind and to have a more more more more faith in our Lord God.

  35. Lovelytony22
    Lovelytony22 says:

    I always advise people not to trust anyone. But when it comes to God; he is the best person you can confide in. If only you have faith like a mustard seed then any good thing you hold unto will be fruitful. He will never fail you so trusting him should be unconditional. Don’t push it; just wait for his perfect timing.

  36. Megon Booysen
    Megon Booysen says:

    I have been jobless for 2 years but applying for jobs and trusting God afther ur story I know I need to keep trusting him because he will come through for me.

    Thank u so much for sharing ur story and giving me hope to keep trusting in God and that he has good plans for my life but to also trust in his perfect timing .

    May God continue to bless u❤️

  37. Nicole Loke
    Nicole Loke says:

    Am in the same boat as written in the article. The words comforts me. Really hoping for a breakthrough soon!

  38. Living Life Fully
    Living Life Fully says:

    This touched my heart. You’re an amazing writer! I have been looking for a full-time job since Aug 2019. There are many days I am discouraged after countless job applications submitted to receive letters of rejection or employers not moving forward after the interview. It’s hard waiting on the Lord! I am in the extended season of waiting for this year. When I read this post, I cried over and over as I can relate this right now. Thank you for your encouragement! I TRUST in the Lord that he will have the right job for me according to his timing.

  39. Achsah Chrysolin
    Achsah Chrysolin says:

    Wow that was an encouraging testimony on God’s Timing and Providence. I thank God that he used this post to encouraged me today when I needed a word of Hope

  40. Peter
    Peter says:

    I cannot accept the accusation of laziness. It seems like God is blocking all my efforts or is at least not helping in any discernible fashion. Tired of hearing that I need to learn the lessons God is teaching. It’s been over a year since I got laid off, and I’m over 50 and male. What I think is happening is that I’m being forced down into a low position for some reason only God knows, and I’m not too thrilled about it. He cannot charge me with wasting my talents. He’s the one wasting them.

  41. Tricia
    Tricia says:

    Your article resonates with what was going through in my life, for the past 6 months. I was like the author. My initial 3 months was like having a short sabbatical break, yet at the same time, I was actively searching for my ideal career. During these 6 months, I had a number of interviews but all turned out the same encounter like the author faced before.

    Right now, I am struggling and still awaiting God to open doors of job offer! Praying and committing my next opportunity in Jesus name.

  42. Zalka
    Zalka says:

    This was the best post I’ve ever read for the “season of unemployment!” (And I read a lot of it!) I’m so blessed that I came across your blog; I only wish I had discovered you sooner. This “eye-opening” encouragement was exactly what I needed! Thank you very much! God bless you as you continue to be an obedient vessel for Christ! 🙂

  43. Angie Kicklighter
    Angie Kicklighter says:

    I needed this so much this morning. I am 58 and left a very toxic job environment (my health demanded it) back in June. I have put in hundreds of applications and have had quite a few interviews only to get rejected. I am very discouraged and try to hang on to my faith. I pray God will help me find the right place for me in this late season of my life. I still have a lot to offer and it is very hard to constantly be passed over. I must work, retirement is not an option. Praying hard for guidance.

  44. Heather
    Heather says:

    I am in need of prayer. My former female supervisor pretty much harrassed me into quitting b/c I was NOT going to get fired. She said I had “too many complaints” and that I had “attitude.” Whatever!!! I am a good hardworking woman who needs a really good job, good hours (meaning preferably 6-2:30, 7-4, or 8-5 with weekends off.) I WANT to work but I don’t want to work very late hours as it is not safe to be out. Please pray that God will extend his Mighty Hand and deliver me from unemployment. Thank you.

    • YMI
      YMI says:

      Hi Heather, thank you for taking the time to share with us your prayer request. We want to let you know that we have prayed for you as a team and we know that God will see you through this season.
      Blessings, The YMI Team.

  45. Mike
    Mike says:

    Great testimony! I got made redundant in April at a job that nearly broke me. Just finished a 3 months bootcamp in cyber security and trying to get back into IT. But havent had any luck yet. Also trying to build my faith. Please pray for me

  46. Tina
    Tina says:

    Please pray for me. I’m losing faith. Was at a terrible job and was let go. It was a blessing for my mental health and it gave me time to sort out care for my mom who now has dementia. I am trying to take care of her on my own, but it is not going well. The job destroyed my confidence and I don’t know what to do next. I’ve prayed and prayed, but there are no answers yet. What do I do when I can’t pay my bills? What do I do when I must move out? Why would He want me on the street? I feel scared. There are no answers. I have one friend who has stood by me, but she is also out of work and her bank account is now depleted with no job in sight. I’m helping her while I can. I just can’t take anymore. I’ve rationed my food to one meal/day to save money. I’m trying to register for a food bank now. I’ve kept my cell and internet as long as I can so I could look for work. That will need to go next month. There is a library with free wi-fi 20 minutes away, so I can go there for access to the internet though. Just makes it harder. I’m just so tired of being here. I’m tired of having no passion or direction. I’m tired of no income or even a basic job. I’ll take any job, but I am told I am over qualified. I’m tired of not sleeping for worry and the stress. I’m having panic attacks everyday now. If His plan is that I end up dead on the streets, then I am on plan and I guess I should be happy.

  47. Lenababes
    Lenababes says:

    June 2024 and this is still valid! Thank you very much for putting your talent out there for us to enjoy. I am really happy I came across this post today as it is so relatable.


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