This Month’s Theme:
If Tomorrow Never Comes

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

James 4:14-15

Person in window of a moving train with clouds


Our minds are so fixed on our tomorrows, and consumed with dreams and desires for the future. And so, we often find ourselves waiting on God for something, whether it’s divine guidance or answers to help us with our next steps.

But tomorrow is uncertain for us all. In fact, tomorrow may never come. 

James 4:14-15 reminds us that life is fleeting, like a mist that disappears. Instead of being so wrapped up in our desires, we can shift our focus on carrying out God’s will–today.

He’s our Father, and we’re His children, and we live a life of purpose and meaning when it’s done in alignment with our Father’s will. So let’s surrender our plans to Him. 

– Jayne Ong

Join in the Conversation

“I am the master of my own destiny” is a saying that appeals to a lot of us. It gives us the “power” to shape our own futures based on our heart’s desires—graduating with honours, securing a job, nabbing a life-partner. 

There is nothing wrong in planning, and dreaming of a wonderful future. However, we’re also advised not to be too invested in our plans, as we don’t know what tomorrow holds, and our lives on earth are very brief, like “mists that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14-15).

Well, then what’s one to do? We can still plan for our future, but we’re also to live fully dependent on God—making room for Him to interrupt or redirect our plans, according to His will. 

Q: What would you do if you knew your tomorrow may never come?

We’re on this earth briefly:

  • I had my life mapped out but God had other plans
  • X ways to live our best lives for God right now/ live wisely given our time on earth (Psalm 90:12)
  • How to face tomorrow without fear/live life with confidence in the face of uncertainty

Submitting our plans to God: 

  • What submitting my plans to God actually look like
  • How do I know if God is telling me to do something/ if something is a “sign” from God
  • How to seek God without overspiritualising every decision?

Other topics:

  • What my non-Christian friends taught me about God
  • Reminders when you can’t see God at work
  • The lies dissatisfaction will tell you

Need encouragement? Here are a few articles to help you reflect:

Join in the Fun

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We know you love your colours, so do we! Every two months, we set a colour theme that we’ll work around. Use the colour palette below to increase your chances of getting featured!

July Colour Palette