• Living with anxiety feels like living with giant called "fear", shadowing me everywhere I go.
It isn’t always easy to say we’re not okay—especially as Christians.

It isn’t always easy to say we’re not okay—especially as Christians. 

Perhaps it’s a fear of being judged or discriminated against that’s holding us back. Or maybe we just don’t know how to respond when someone tells us that.

Here, young Australians share their lived experiences with mental health, and how their faith and the support they found in their trusted communities played an integral part in their ongoing recovery and healing. 

1 in 5 Australians experience mental illness every year.
18-24 year olds of mental illness compared to other groups.
1 in 6 church attendees sought or received treatment for a mental health issue in the previous 2 years.
To My Past-Self Who Knew Very Little About Anxiety

To My Past-Self Who Knew Very Little About Anxiety

Confessions Of A Pastor Struggling With Anxiety

Confessions Of A Pastor Struggling With Anxiety

How To Walk With A Friend Through Their Mental Health Journey

How To Walk With A Friend Through Their Mental Health Journey

We've something for you! Check out and place your orders for our printed booklet that comes packed with other extras that aren't online

May these poignant and heartfelt stories be of comfort to you, a loved one, or a friend who’s struggling with a mental health issue. Above all, may these stories point you to a Greater Hope—Jesus.

View our art projects, illustrating truths and lessons about mental health and faith.

With repeated lockdowns, social distancing measures and travel restrictions never seeming to come to an end, mental health has come under the spotlight like never before. As believers, we are not immune to the mental and psychological woes that confront us in this challenging climate. So how do we make sense of mental ill-health (mental illnesses)?

Have you experienced any form of anxiety before? If yes, you’ll know how crippling it can get. Come and watch this video to know more, and we hope that you will find comfort to know that our Heavenly Father cares about you.

It isn’t always easy to say we’re not okay—especially as Christians.
Perhaps it’s a fear of being judged or discriminated against that’s holding us back. Or maybe we just don’t know how to respond when someone tells us that.

Do you know someone in church who is currently struggling with mental health issues? And you want to extend your support, but you just don’t know how?

Do you know someone in church who is currently struggling with mental health issues? And you want to extend your support, but you just don’t know how?

Audio resources

Struggling and not sure if anyone understands what you’re going through? Listen to Anxious Faith, a new podcast, to journey with six Aussies as they navigate life, faith, and anxiety. New episodes each Friday, so subscribe wherever you get podcasts or listen below!

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