ODB: Fruitful Believers in Christ

Cindy was excited for her new job in a nonprofit company. What an opportunity to make a difference! She soon discovered her coworkers didn’t share her enthusiasm.

ODB: Missing the Basics

For decades, McDonald’s ruled fast food with their Quarter Pounder burger. In the 1980s, a rival chain cooked up an idea to dethrone the company with the golden arches.

ODB: Love God by Loving Others

The Alba family experienced the rare occurrence of birthing two sets of identical twins just thirteen months apart.

ODB: Renaissance in Jesus

We know Leonardo da Vinci as the renaissance man. His intellectual prowess led to advances across multiple fields of study and the arts.

ODB: Extravagant Love

My seatmate on the flight told me she was nonreligious and had immigrated to a town that was home to numerous Christians.

ODB: Next Step of Love

What would cause someone to help a competitor? For a restaurant owner named Adolfo in Wisconsin, it was the opportunity to encourage other struggling local restaurant owners adapting to Covid regulations.

ODB: Helping as God Helps Us

Ole Kassow of Copenhagen loved bicycling. One morning, when he saw an elderly man sitting alone with his walker in a park, Ole felt inspired by a simple idea: why not offer elderly people the joy and freedom of a bike ride.

ODB: Happy Trust

A woman rescued Rudy from the animal shelter days before he was to be euthanized, and the dog became her companion.

ODB: Master in Heaven

Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower announced in 2022 that all migrant domestic workers must be given at least one rest day a month that employers couldn’t compensate them for instead of giving them the day off.


Jack, a professor of philosophy and literature, had a brilliant mind. He’d declared himself an atheist at the age of fifteen and in adulthood adamantly defended his “atheistic faith.”

ODB: Kingdom-Minded Leadership

When I joined a group of Christian children’s book authors who prayed for one another and helped spread the word about each other’s books, some people said we were “foolish for working with competitors.”

ODB: Share Your Faith

In 1701, the Church of England founded the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in order to send missionaries around the globe. The motto they chose was transiens adiuva nos—Latin for “Come over and help us!”

ODB: Eternal Legacy

As Dust Bowl sandstorms ravaged the United States during the Great Depression, John Millburn Davis, a resident of Hiawatha, Kansas, decided to make a name for himself.

ODB: God Alone Can Satisfy

A thousand dollars of food—jumbo shrimp, shawarma, salads, and more—was delivered to a homeowner. But the man wasn’t having a party.