Follow The True Shepherd’s Voice

Title: Follow the true Shepherd’s Voice
Artwork by: Jared Boggess (@jaredboggess) & Fish Coin Press (
Description: In John 10, Jesus shares a parable about a flock of sheep and their loving shepherd. The image is tender and beautiful, but conflict enters into the picture—Jesus warns that there are enemies who want to harm the sheep. These enemies are thieves and robbers who come to steal, kill, and destroy by claiming that Jesus is not the only way to salvation.

But Jesus is the Good Shepherd—He is the one true caretaker who calls each sheep by name and leads them to good pastures, where they will find life and abundance (John 10:3-4). Unlike the hired hands, Jesus will never abandon His sheep, but lays down His life to protect them from the enemies (John 10:11-15).

Just as the sheep know the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow only Him, we too can learn to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd by immersing ourselves in His Word and letting His words of life speak to us. The more we spend time hearing His voice in Scripture, the more we will learn to recognize and differentiate it from the voices of the enemy.

Use this artwork based on John 10:1-18 creates a space for you to reflect on the voice of the Good Shepherd, so that you’ll be protected against the deceptions of those who seek to steal, kill, and destroy. Find life in Jesus and Him alone.