What to prepare

We’ll use the art medium or object to share our most significant fears as an artist or designer. These could encompass job security, creative blocks, changes and transitions in life, AI/technology, or any personal fears you feel comfortable sharing. (Note: Visual references can be sought online this time instead of illustrating the visuals.)

Guiding questions:

  • Share your most significant fear as an artist or designer and explain how this object or visual represents and relates to the fear you experience.
  • Have you found any strategies or methods that help you channel your fear into creative energy or motivation?
  • How have you seen God’s grace in the midst of this fear in your life?

We’ll use the art medium or object to share our most significant fears as an artist or designer. These could encompass job security, creative blocks, changes and transitions in life, AI/technology, or any personal fears you feel comfortable sharing. (Note: Visual references can be sought online this time instead of illustrating the visuals.)

Guiding questions:

  • Share your most significant fear as an artist or designer and explain how this object or visual represents and relates to the fear you experience.
  • Have you found any strategies or methods that help you channel your fear into creative energy or motivation?
  • How have you seen God’s grace in the midst of this fear in your life?
Our Panel Artists
Your Welcome Pack

As part of the fun, we have exclusively designed for you, zoom backgrounds for use on the day of event and an encouraging lock screen to serve as a visual reminder of where your identity lies. There’s an array of colour choices to choose from. Download and pick your favourite!

zoom background
Your Welcome Pack

As part of the fun, we have exclusively designed for you, zoom backgrounds for use on the day of event and an encouraging lock screen to serve as a visual reminder of where your identity lies. There’s an array of colour choices to choose from. Download and pick your favourite!

zoom background

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