
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Relationships. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Relationships.


ODJ: relative peace

A 60 year old man, atop a tractor, charged at his 69 year old brother in law who was harvesting hay astride his own tractor. The collision resulted in a damaged tyre and the tractor-crasher’s arrest. One law enforcement official commented, “We’ve responded on prior occasions to calls because of differences between the families.” While it’s a bit unclear what the man hoped to accomplish b

ODJ: knowing our place

I recently read of a man who started a church and saw it grow and flourish over the years. But unlike some pastors whose fingers have to be pried from the pulpit, this man began grooming a younger man to take over his church. Why? Because he felt God was calling him to do so. And, at just 51 years old, this healthy, dynamic pastor humbly moved on as his 30 year old protégé took his place.

ODJ: obvious passion

There’s a lady down the street who’s crazy about flowers. At the first sign of spring she crowds her porch with clay pots containing seedlings. Blooms fill her garden in a rainbow procession all summer long. Daffodils and tulips perform like dancers in a chorus line. Sweet-scented peonies bob in the breeze. Later in the season towering hollyhocks and cheerful daisies take their turn in the spo

ODJ: rabble babble

Many years ago I was counselling at a Christian camp when the programme staff began to struggle. Why? Some of the counsellors didn’t appreciate the way the director was leading, so they started to complain. As the complaints spread, more people joined in. By the end of the week the staff had become polarised and the whole camp had been affected by the tempestuous situation.

When we

ODJ: my greatest enemy

A Christian leader was once asked: “Who is your greatest enemy?” He replied, “Every morning I see him in the mirror.” Perhaps that’s the real reason why some of us are facing challenges in our marriage, school, work or church. The person who’s giving us a hard time isn’t our spouse, our boss or someone else. We are our own worst enemy.

Today’s reading in Galatians 5 e

ODJ: 65 gifts

Doug Eaton wanted to celebrate his 65th birthdayin an uncommon fashion. When he asked hisfriends how he should celebrate the big day, one suggested that he perform 65 random acts of kindness. And that is exactly what he did. At a busy junction, he handed out cash notes for 65 minutes. According to Eaton, giving to others was the best gift he could have asked for. “It’s been fantastic,” Eaton

ODJ: true love

When I stopped by a nearby restaurant to pick up some food, a guy and a girl standing in the car park caught my attention. Their arms linked together, the guy craftily reached to place his hand between her legs. My heart sank, and I began to pray that they would know the beauty of glorifying God with their bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

Because the world we live in often equates sex

ODJ: for a lifetime

David Brooks, in his book The Social Animal, details how Gary McPherson studied 157 randomly selected children who had chosen to play a musical instrument. McPherson wanted to know why some students went on to become really good musicians and why others faltered. He believed there was one factor. Even before the kids picked up their instruments, McPherson asked: “How long do you think you will p

ODJ: redeeming love

Go and love the person who has disappointed you!”? “Huh? No way. I don’t want to be hurt again!”? Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s difficult to love someone with a proven track record of disappointing you.