relationship with family

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Tag Archive for: relationship with family

Man holding a camera taking a photograph

5 Ways My Non-Christian Dad Showed Me Who God Is

I did not have the best relationship with my father when I was growing up. Like most Chinese fathers of his generation, my dad provided financially for the family and brought us on outings and holiday trips. However, I did not find him to be very emotionally present or expressive. In my head, I knew he must love me, but in my heart, I did not feel that he delighted over me or enjoyed my company.
Girl walking in the grass with her hands in her pockets

When I Can’t Let Go of My Hurt

I was mid-conversation with my mom when she dropped the latest story on me. I had thought we had passed the phase of accusations. I had thought that it’d been long enough that my grandmother would want to let go of whatever she was harboring against me.

God Isn’t Done With Your Story Yet

Growing up, I lived in great fear of my abusive father. I was neglected, beaten, and abused. His treatment convinced me that I was unwanted—a burden hardly worth being tolerated.
Abstract neighborhood with spotlights pointed down

Do You Need Hope for Your Family?

I have been a Christian for 11 years, and was the first in my family to come to Christ. By God’s grace, my mom and sister came to know the Lord a year after me. About a year ago, my brother also came to the Lord thanks to the efforts and prayers of his colleagues.
Woman holding balloons in an open field

No Longer A Slave to Bitterness

“Don't you ever dare think of taking Jack away! You need to prove yourself as a mother first.” Those were the harsh words of my mother-in-law, trying to stop me from taking my son home for the weekend.
A father and his son playing in the water

Rejection Drove Me in the Right Direction

As the youngest child, I’m often teased and called the little princess of the family. But the truth is that when I was growing up, it was often difficult for me to get my mother’s attention.