This Month’s Theme:
Don’t Hide Your Treasure
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:7-9
Fresh flowers displayed in a vase puts a spring in our steps and brings joy to our surroundings. Likewise, we are God’s vessels who hold His treasure, bringing joy and hope to others around us. But sometimes we’re held back by our thoughts and self-doubt: “What might this treasure be?”, “Do I know how precious it is?”, or “Is there something I’m missing if I don’t treasure it enough?”
It’s worth taking the time to ask ourselves these questions, so we don’t miss out on what God wants us to grasp—how deep and wide and long is His love for us (Ephesians 3:18). Even if it takes us a while to get there, we can trust that God is patient to reveal just how precious this treasure—Jesus Himself—is. Once you taste His goodness, you’ll be eager to share that with others around you!
Join in the Conversation
There’s a treasure inside of each of us waiting to be discovered and displayed to the world.
You might feel like you’re no one special, because of your fractured pasts and imperfect backgrounds, but Scripture says otherwise. 2 Corinthians 4:7 tells us God has chosen us as jars of clay to pour out His treasure in us so we can showcase His “all-surpassing power” to others. This “treasure” is the Good News–the salvation He offers us—and He wants us, unimpressive and ordinary humans, to be vessels sharing about Jesus.
The vessels He creates—that’s you and me!—come in different shapes, sizes, and personalities so we can display His treasure (His light and glory) in our own way—through our faithful acts of service, in the way we live our lives, and how we overcome trials and tribulations.
This month, we’d like to challenge you to let your treasure shine. Share with us how you have intentionally lived your life so it can point others to your greatest treasure Jesus Christ. Or tell us about the last time you experienced God’s power helping you through a personal crisis or struggle.
If you’d like to share a testimony or story, read our writer’s guidelines and get your writing going! We also have other sub-themes for you to choose from (see dropbox below):
Topics to Explore
Letting the gospel of Christ shine through us
Sharing our conversion story, using our lives to share the gospel with those around us, persevering in doing good even if it goes unappreciated.
Experiencing God’s glory and power in our ordinariness
Facing trials and tribulations, being filled with God’s power, being zealous for God, how God sees us differently to others.
Revealing the life of Jesus in our body | How God preserves us in our fragility
Favourite verses to hold on to when life is tough, rising up again despite getting beaten down by life, God’s all-surpassing power in us.
Join in the Fun
If you’re more of a visual person, you can be a part of the YMI community by contributing or tagging your artworks with our hashtag #ymitoday. Check out our creatives’ guidelines and send us your artworks.
We know you love your colours, so do we! Every two months, we set a colour theme that we’ll work around. Use the colour palette below to increase your chances of getting featured!