
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Faith.


5 Commonly Misquoted Verses

When Jesus was tested in the desert, it was the Word of God that He employed to counter the evil one’s various temptations. When faced with ups and downs in life, we too often recall verses to remind us of truths to hold on to.

Follow Your Heart . . . Really?

Follow your heart, and do what makes you happy. People offered me this advice countless times while I was growing up. They said it was the secret recipe to living a pleasurable, joyful life.

What if God was “A Bowl of Ice Cream”?

Of all the presents I received for my eighth birthday—coloring books, fancy stationery, and toys— the children’s Bible was the best gift. I recall racing through Genesis to Jude, but staying away from Revelation because I did not like thinking about the End Times.

Have Faith, Not Fear!

When I was going through a difficult situation in my life—my family was facing challenging financial circumstances, my parents were separating, and my secondary school final exams were drawing near—I found myself in a state of despair, not knowing where to turn to.

Don’t take Small Improvements for Granted

We often yearn for big changes in our lives, but often, it’s only possible to accomplish these by making one small improvement at a time. For example, a musician masters his instrument by practising every day, making small improvements to his technique.

Unshackled From My Sin For Good

Sin. This three-letter word dominated my life. Although I called myself a Christian, I committed the same sins over and over again: watching pornographic movies, smoking, and drinking strong liquor.

Why Live with Purpose?

It is not uncommon to hear people asking these questions: What is my purpose in life? What can I do to improve my life? These are important questions. Before I found my true purpose, I felt that something was missing in my life.

Me and My Alter Ego

Have you ever watched Disney shows as a kid? Well, I have. One of the shows I remember watching was Lizzie McGuire, an American teen sitcom about the alter ego of the title character.

Learning to Die 1,000 times every day

My left eye hurts and keeps on tearing probably because I’ve been given the wrong prescription for my spectacles. I’m thirsty from walking around all day running errands for my dad.