Growing in the faith

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Growing in the faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Growing in the faith.


Don't take Small Improvements for Granted

We often yearn for big changes in our lives, but often, it’s only possible to accomplish these by making one small improvement at a time. For example, a musician masters his instrument by practising every day, making small improvements to his technique.

Why Live with Purpose?

It is not uncommon to hear people asking these questions: What is my purpose in life? What can I do to improve my life? These are important questions. Before I found my true purpose, I felt that something was missing in my life.

Learning to Die 1,000 times every day

My left eye hurts and keeps on tearing probably because I’ve been given the wrong prescription for my spectacles. I’m thirsty from walking around all day running errands for my dad.

How Taking Up the Cross Became A Daily Affair

Eons ago, my would-be-mentor gave me a little card when she first invited me to join my church’s youth ministry leadership team. I do not recall what she wrote, but the quote on the card remains etched in my memory, some fifteen years on.

Why I Came Out Of My Comfort Zone

Written by Sukma Sari Cornelius, originally in Bahasa Indonesia “There…

Fired Up For the Lord

To start a fire for an outdoor barbecue, I was instructed to arrange the charcoal pieces close together, so that when the briquette—a compressed block of combustible material like sawdust and woodchip—was lit, the flames would spread from one piece to another quickly.

From Whining to Winning

Growing up in a traditional family in the Philippines, I, being the youngest, bore the duty of running errands for the family. These usually involved purchasing spices, sauces, cigarettes or worse, sanitary napkins for my sisters from convenience stores.

God Amid Daily Challenges In My Life

After Papa died, we tried to get back to our normal routines. I was about to embark on my thesis in the field of clinical pharmacy, but faced my first roadblock—I didn’t have enough money to fund the thesis, and I didn’t want to ask my sister for money.

For Whom Do We Take a Stand?

Written By Victor Goh, Singapore Whenever we think about overcoming…