Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: out of season

One year, spring in America arrived with unseasonably pleasant temperatures that broke records and elevated spirits. But the mid-80ºF temperatures (30º C) came with a price. Soon a cold snap hit, freezing all the blossoms. The budding flowers withered. Fruit farms were devastated. Food prices rose substantially.

As I write this, the calendar announces spring’s official arrival.

ODJ: of hobbies and gossip

A woman became engrossed in a new hobby. The activity itself was a healthy one, but the devoted wife and mother soon began to neglect her family and friends—even her walk with God.

Her pastor’s wife, a friend, expressed disapproval of her behaviour. But rather than reach out to the woman directly, she asked a friend to pass along her words of condemnation. Feeling shamed and that

ODJ: all our lives

In the early 1500s Martin Luther said faith in Jesus justifies us. But he also stated that faith should permeate all areas of our lives, including business dealings. Two and a half centuries later, a young man named John Woolman took this to heart as he opened a tailor shop. Due to his commitment to Christian love, he chose not to purchase any cotton or dye supplies that had been produced by sla

ODJ: use what you have

In 2008 economists confirmed that the UK was in recession. Sure enough, in time, as many as one in ten people lost their jobs, and the normally bustling high streets fell silent as many well known companies became insolvent.

Due to my work as a DJ on a Christian radio station, I was asked to speak to a group of people who had been hit hard by the economic slump. I shared the followin

ODJ: God in a box

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could fit God into a box? When we want to do or say something that’s not Christ-like, we could simply place Him in it and shut the lid. Perhaps we’d like to do so just before cursing during a bad traffic jam or when we’re checking something out on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter that isn’t appropriate. After our dalliance with sin, we could simply bring God back ou

ODJ: wonders and whispers

Scene 1: Elijah is on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-39). The prophet has declared a test. He and the prophets of Baal will each erect an altar and call to their respective gods. The one who sets the altar on fire will be revealed as the one true God (v.24).

The prophets of Baal holler to their god all day, even slashing themselves with knives to get his attention. But the altar

ODJ: glory & authority

John records for us two events that occurred at the beginning (probably in the first few weeks) of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus performed the first of his 35 recorded miracles at a wedding in Cana, turning plain water used for ceremonial washing into top quality wine (John 2:1-11). More than just showing us a tender and compassionate Jesus helping an embarrassed, newly married couple whose wi

ODJ: established

—Psalm 119:105 NKJV

Then I remembered. At the beginning of the school year I had written that verse on the bottom of the rug as a symbolic declaration of my true calling. Amidst the piles of paper on my desk, the duties to perform and the lessons to plan, my primary responsibility was to stand in the truth and authority of Jesus. Regardless of what life brings

ODJ: ready or not

Recently a thief propped a metal ladder against the back of a restaurant early one morning. He scaled the ladder, reached the roof and entered the eatery hoping to plunder the place. He couldn’t have known, however, that the restaurant’s owner was waiting inside. The restaurant had been burgled three times in previous weeks and the owner refused to become a victim again.

Jesus to