This Month’s Theme:
A faith that’s unshakeable (Ephesians 4:14)

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming – Ephesians 4:14

Artist’s Reflection

I love that I have been chosen to illustrate for this theme. The word “faith” has meant a great deal to me throughout my life and is something Jesus has been walking me through these past couple years. He has brought to my understanding that faith is not religion, but rather an action we (sinful believers) take to rely wholeheartedly on our Father. It is the essence of our relationship with Him.

I know the hope to obtain a faith that’s unshakeable does not lie within myself but it’s a blessing found in the love of our Father. It is rooted in knowing Him. I often remind myself that the goal is not having an extraordinary faith, but knowing and falling deeper in love with Christ Jesus. It’s beautiful to acknowledge that we are weak and in need of Someone greater, our Creator—a declaration of my need for God. When I realized my place before God—that I am designed to give glory to the Most High—I begin to see more clearly the undeserved grace I have been given. 

— Wesley Totherow

Join in the Conversation

Have you ever listened to someone’s testimony, and found yourself in awe, thinking, “I want a faith just like theirs”?

A strong, resilient faith isn’t developed overnight, but growing in spiritual maturity isn’t as difficult as it sounds! Simple actions such as feeding our souls with His truth, spending time in prayer and praise (even in the midst of our pains), and resting in His trustworthiness even in the midst of trials and tribulations, all play a part in helping us grow a faith that has a firm and sure foundation—one that isn’t “blown here and there by every wind of teaching” (Ephesians 4:14). 

This month, come together with our writers as they share stories on how a particular experience or trial has led them to a stronger faith in God. If you’ve a story of your own that you would like to share with us, we’d love to hear from you

Here are some subthemes to get you started:

  • Dealing with doubts and questions 
  • Understanding our identity as children of God
  • Learning to discern and stand firm in God’s truth
  • Growing in spiritual maturity
  • Building faith in the midst of trials

Building a stronger faith: apologetics, confusing Bible passages, doubts in life, examining Scripture, restlessness, tough questions about faith, understanding the Bible, prayer, foundation in Christ

Trials and challenges of life: Suffering, financial crisis, illness, death, unemployment, losing jobs, miscarriage, grief, crushed dreams, barrenness, brokenness, injustice, betrayal, uncertainty, transitions

Relationship with others: Community, friendship, conflicts, disagreements, broken relationships, break-ups, divorce

Growing from strength to strength: Perseverance, testing, joy, hope, trust, obedience