Freedom In God

Title: Freedom In God
Materials: Hand-lettering and photography
Artwork by: Abigail Jeyaraj
Description: We’re living in a time where everyone is always busy and with our hectic lifestyles, come stress and worry. It is easy for us to get caught up with finishing all that we have to do, and ticking off our individual to-do lists. However, I believe it is important to cut through all the noise in the midst of our busyness—be it from work or studies or even our personal struggles with ourselves—to hear what God has to say through the Bible about the worries of our lives. When we do so, we can draw strength from God’s Word, and in all things, we will be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).


His Grace is Enough for my Grades

Don’t forget that God’s taking care of you and He is carrying you on His wings. No matter what grades you obtain, He has promised in Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good of those who love Him”. So don’t be disheartened! God has your future all planned out, and because God is the author of your future, you can be assured that it’s going to be a great one.


You are the prize possession of the King of the Universe

Overlooked, underestimated, nothing special. At some point, we all feel this way. Even a young shepherd boy named David felt these feelings. He was passed over and ruled out as the next king of Israel by his father, brothers, and the prophet Samuel because of his youth. However, God saw David’s potential. Every person is created for a unique and perfect purpose. The world may try to label you as insignificant or unworthy but the King of the Universe sees you as the precious prize that you are!


Blessings in the form of Suffering

Often times, we pray that God will bless us, expecting blessings to come in material forms, but what if blessings are shadowed by pain? In James 1:2-4, “we are reminded that trials and pain are some of the ways that” we can be blessed and be a blessing to others. In all circumstances, we can choose to find the blessing. We are not promised a life of ease but we can decide on the direction of our attitudes. We see this lifestyle modeled by our own Savior Jesus, who walked this earth and suffered on our behalf to open the door to the greatest blessings of all.


Worries turn into wonders

When was the last time your worries turned out to be unrealistic? How was the outcome better than you had imagined? We, as children of God, are held by the very hands that control all the events of the earth. What could be greater than this? In Job 5:9, we see that God “performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” Instead of worrying about the countless potential outcomes, we need to remember that our God wants the best for us. He has the power to turn all our worries into wonder.

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