
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Surrender. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Surrender.


ODJ: wrestling with God

Often, on Saturdays in the 1980s, my brother and I watched professional wrestling on TV. We were mesmerised by the acrobatics and the seemingly super-human body slams that shook the wrestling ring. We rooted for the good guys and pointed at the screen exclaiming things like “Did you see that?” and “Ooooh, that had to hurt!” Fortunately we did not try (many of) those moves at home. 

ODB: Flight Simulator

When airplane pilots are training, they spend many hours in flight simulators. These simulators give the students a chance to experience the challenges and dangers of flying an aircraft—but without the risk. The pilots don’t have to leave the ground, and if they crash in the simulation, they can calmly walk away.Simulators are tremendous teaching tools—helpful in preparing the aspiring pilot