
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Singleness. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Singleness.

Tag Archive for: singleness

Singles’ Day Savings: More Than Satisfying Deals Here

Looking to treat yourself to something new and exciting this Singles’ Day? We’ve got deals that you’ll love, from pocket-friendly savings to luxurious getaways.
Lady dreaming of relationship - why do I want a significant other

Why Do I Want a Significant Other?

I was four years old when I told my mum that I’d like to get married when I’m older. “Because,” I told my mum excitedly, “I’d like to wear a white dress—just like Cinderella!”. I’m now in my 30s, and I'm still single.
Girl holding phone - single and feeling left behind

How God Met Me Where I Was—Single and Feeling Left Behind

I have been longing for a partner for as long as I can remember. However, my plans of getting married young did not happen. And now that I’m in my 30s—and still single—there are days when I feel incredibly lonely.
Girl reading book alone - how I learned to love being single

One and Whole: How I Learned to Love Being Single

One evening, as an introductory question to our Bible study session, our happily married leader asked the singles in our group to share why we were still single.
Illustration of a girl sitting in a chair staring at the clock

30+, Single, and Trying Not to Settle

Online dating in one’s 30s is not for the faint-hearted. Repeating answers to the same few questions for months on end, labouring to shape an organic conversation out of a vacuum, doing my best not to glance at my watch during tedious first dates . . . required a kind of endurance I hadn’t anticipated.
Woman sitting in bed sad and alone - is loneliness a sin

Is Loneliness a Sin?

I could understand what the children’s pastor was saying: anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere, is sinful.  But is the feeling of loneliness sinful or just what we do with our loneliness? And if it’s not good for man or woman to be alone, is it a sin if he or she is?

Regardless of your Status, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Psst, looking for love? No matter your marital status—single, dating, married, or widowed—you ARE cherished and loved.

There’s More to Celebrate than Marriage and Babies

I see my phone light up with an incoming facetime call from one of my best friends. While we’re very close, we don’t usually facetime each other unannounced. I do the math.

The 11 Myths Of Singleness

This Single’s Day, come with us as we debunk the 11 myths about singleness and help each other rethink how we can better relate to singles in our midst, and encourage each other to pursue the identity that matters most.