
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under self-worth. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: self-worth.

Tag Archive for: self-worth

It’s Time to Rethink the Way We Measure Our Worth

we possess, how valuable our opinions are to others, or the level of our self-esteem?

Artspace: Why Do I Always Think I’m Not Good Enough?

Self-doubt seems to be the norm for many of us these days, and while we all have insecurities, sometimes we can let them get to us, to the point that we’re constantly fretting about not being good enough.
A man is looking at his laptop

Should We Love Ourselves?

We hear so much about self-love and self-care (“You do you!” “Live your truth.” “Don’t care about what others think!”) these days. Sure, loving and caring for ourselves help us draw healthy boundaries and ensure that we’re treated properly, but sometimes we gotta admit that self-love isn’t enough. 
Image of construction workers

I’m a College Graduate Who Ended Up in Construction Work

This is how I used to picture success: dressed in a classy suit and high heels, coasting in a luxury car, strolling into a shiny office building. Unfortunately, real life has been quite the opposite. 
A woman is busy with works and results

The Day God Woke Me Up From the Rat Race

We live in a culture that teaches us to put ourselves first and do whatever it takes to get into our ideal course or dream job. The message is clear—we need to stand out, to constantly evolve because if we don’t, we will be left behind.
A psychiatrist is having a psychological testing with the patient

What I Learned When My Professional Title Expired

A professional title can be stripped away. That realisation dawned on me when I was barred from renewing my license by the office that regulated my profession.

Finding Freedom in Imperfection

Many mornings, I hit snooze one too many times and, since I’m then rushed for time, my devotions are the thing that gets skipped. If I’m not doing my devotions daily and studying God’s Word to better know Him, what am I missing out on in terms of worthiness and relationship with God?

Editor’s Picks: Best of What Makes You Beautiful

Try as we might to stop it, modern society’s ever-changing standards of beauty seem to constantly creep into our thinking and impression of our self-worth. But God, as our creator, designed each of us exactly the way that we are, with great intention. What do we do when we struggle to like how He’s made us?

Crazy Rich Asians: The One Struggle We All Have in Common

“Why are you watching that bimbo show?” A friend of mine asked incredulously, when I told her that I was going to catch the sneak preview of Crazy Rich Asians, which had finally opened in my country, Singapore, earlier this week after much hype.