
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Pride. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Pride.

Tag Archive for: pride

Art student pondering feedback from teacher

How to Receive Correction Even When It Hurts

I don’t like it when people correct me. Maybe because I’m like every other person before me, convinced that I know what I’m doing and don’t really need anyone else’s input.
A woman is looking out from the train

When Discouragement Hits Hard

Whenever we encounter setbacks in life, or in our spiritual walk, we may think that it’s simply a matter of trying again, but to try harder this time, and persevere in doing so.
Image of a mountain background with the text Things to let go today

Things To Let Go Today

Entrusting God with our future sounds easy enough, but when it really comes down to it, are we ready to dig deep into some areas we’ve yet to bring it over to God.
Girl with a box over her head

Why Humility Isn’t the Same as Putting Ourselves Down

My friend gazed at me through FaceTime, a kind smile on her face. “I just want to let you know that I just counted you saying the word ‘stupid’ six times when talking about yourself.”

A Quick Summary Of James 3:17-4:12

This week, we are reminded to pursue God and not the world. How…
Luke 7:40-47 - Sinners are not forgotten, their souls matter too

What If I’m the Sinner, Not the Saint?

Do you ever wonder who Jesus would be hanging out with if He were with us in the flesh today? Who are the “outsiders” that we’d be astonished to see Him with? The down-on-their-luck, left-behind and forgotten, sick and outcast whom He’d notice with compassion?

The Day God Convicted Me of My Pride

A few summers ago, I woke up one morning greatly burdened. I opened my Bible and read it as I normally did each day. Though God’s Word often brings me peace, that day my mind was spinning.

When Pride Lingers After An Accident

There’s nothing innately wrong with being proud of something or someone. Pride can be a good thing. But we have to be careful with it because it can become very dangerous when it's misplaced.

Should We Give Help but Not Receive it?

During dinner some days ago, my father lamented about how times have changed. It used to be that bosses care about their workers even outside of work.