Josiah Kennealy

Learn more about Josiah Kennealy and check out Josiah Kennealy’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Losing Jarrid Wilson: Where Do We Go From Here?

It was a few years ago that Jarrid Wilson and I were invited to the same event and we ended up staying connected afterwards. We chatted and encouraged each other, as we were both young adult pastors and had a lot in common. Every single interaction I ever had with him was life-giving.

Tired Of Talking About The Weather?

A while back, I got together with a friend over coffee. We were working on a project, and I noticed we weren’t on the same page. We were going to meet for one hour.

How To Get Up After Your Dreams Are Crushed

One of the biggest life hopes I had when I was a kid was to play professional baseball. That dream was shattered when during my freshman year of high school, I was cut from the high school baseball team.