
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under anxiety. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: anxiety.


A man is walking out from the underground train station

What It's Like to Slowly Climb Out of Depression

I thought that knowing my condition would be enough for me to help myself. But having a diagnosis did not lessen my struggles or make them easier. 
A woman with teary face

I Entered a New Year in Tears, But God Held Me Fast

At the beginning of last year, I was facing anxiety on multiple fronts. While others were looking forward to the coming year with hope, I was starting mine with dread.
Illustration of someone being counselled

“R U OK?”: 5 Reasons Why It’s Hard For Us to Say We Aren’t

Every part of our wellbeing–including our mental health–matters greatly to God. So let’s break down the barriers that often stand in the way of us seeking help, and ask God to give us the humility and faith to bring our struggles before Him.
A woman is holding her head and looking fear

When God Allowed My Deepest Fears to Happen

Courage, dear child, was God’s silent whisper to me. I didn’t understand it then, but I held onto His promise that He is with me. Little did I know that my greatest fear was about to happen.
Illustration of 5 readers sharing their go-to verse for anxious days

We Ask 5 Readers . . . What's Their Go-To Verse for Anxious Days

We invited five young adults to share with us their go-to verse when they find themselves struggling with their mental health, and we hope you’d be able to find a gem among these.

4 Truths to Guard Your Mind Against Destructive Thoughts

Just a scroll on social media is enough to put our confidence to shame. Even though we know that what we see on social media only displays the “truths” that others wish to portray, sometimes we can’t help but get sucked into its trap. Let me paint a picture of some of my thoughts when I don’t guard my mind against the destructive nature of social media.

Battling the "I'm Not Good Enough" Lie

I was sitting in the bathroom, struggling to breathe, tears flowing down my cheeks. “You are not good enough,” my thoughts whispered. “Yes, I am not good enough for anything,” I responded. I let out a shout of frustration, then banged my fist against the wall, crying even harder.
image of someone alone rest and reading a book

How to Find Rest While Waiting on God

Not too long ago, I went through one of the most anxious seasons of my life. I was in the midst of looking for an internship placement to fulfil my university requirement. I applied to close to 30 companies, went to a few interviews, and turned down an offer that didn’t feel right. Finally, I was scheduled for an interview with a company that I really wanted to intern at. Alas, I didn’t get the offer. I was devastated at the thought that I wasn’t good enough to make the cut.

Trade Your Worries for God's Peace

I often find that my default mode to bad news is to just go into a spiral of worrying, overthinking, and panicking. That morning, I just let my feelings and thoughts run loose and got completely carried away with my fears. Did I pray? Yeah, I did, but, as it often is in moments like that, it was a prayer that came from a desperate and hopeless place. A prayer uttered in fear, with very little confidence.