Alvin Chia

Learn more about Alvin Chia and check out Alvin Chia’s contributions to YMI over the years.

Tag Archive for: Alvin Chia

Are You A Friend of The World?

A few years ago, I worked freelance for a horse-racing magazine. Everything went well at the start, but after a few assignments, I realized there was more to horse-racing than simply which horse finishes first (pardon my naivety).

Seeking Wisdom For Trials

Last October, I was retrenched from my job without warning after working there for about two years. The following month, my girlfriend’s father, who had motor neuron disease, was admitted to hospital. He died two months later.

Eugene Wee: To Reach the Poor, He became Poor

Would you bear eating your deceased pet dog instead of burying it? That was one of the hard decisions Singaporean Eugene Wee, 35, had to make while living among the Hmong, an ethnic minority in Phetchabun, a province in northern Thailand, sometime in 2008.