
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Collaboration. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Collaboration.

The Rejected & the Redeemer

The Rejected and the Redeemer

When we look at Jesus’ life, we see that he had many radical interactions with people who were marginalized—those who had fallen to the fringes of society because of sin, shame, judgment, or even physical defect and sickness. 

We go together like…

Title: We Go Together Like... Artwork by: YMI X Sarah (@avocag0h) Description: Strong…

How To Keep Long-distance Friendships Going

Title: How To Keep Long-distance Friendships Going Artwork…

When A Perfect Foundation Is Cracked

God is our Master Architect and Builder. He created the foundations of the earth from the very beginning. The blueprints He has drawn for His people, from creation to salvation, are laid out in minute detail.

“Dear sons…”, a young father’s advice to his children

“Dear sons” is made up of a series of advice a young father, Martin, wants to instill in the lives of his children, Moshe (8) and Elliott (5). Fatherhood, Martin has learned, can be challenging, and often reveals our inadequacies. But it also provides us—and not just our children—an opportunity to learn and grow.

7 Highly Effective Habits To Keep In The New Normal

Title: 7 Highly Effective Habits To Keep In The New Normal Artwork…

Father’s Day Coupons: Now DADs Clever

Title: Father’s Day coupons: Now DADs clever Artwork by: YMI…

Don’t Give Fear A Terror-tory

All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives, especially when we face new experiences or are forced out of our comfort zones. The uncertainty of the future can paralyze us, taking on its own terror-tory (territory, pun intended). But instead of focusing on our fears, why not set our sights on our big God, who promises to be with us in all of our fears and anxieties?