ODJ: Faithful and True

February 22, 2017 

READ: Genesis 17:1-27 

I will confirm my covenant with you and your descendants after you, from generation to generation. This is the everlasting covenant: I will always be your God and the God of your descendants after you (v.7).

With just a few lines of text, the relationship was over. Because I failed to open their messages, they notified me that my “email relationship” with their company and all its brands was “ending.” A humorous marketing ploy, the company’s response reminded me how much of our world today rests on superficial communication and tenuous commitment.

Faithful. Depending on our experiences, the word has varied connotations. We hope to experience strong, committed relationships—ones that remain through life’s cool winds, deep waters, and violent storms. Our experiences, however, don’t always live up to our expectations. Because we’ve known the betrayal of others, and we ourselves have been unfaithful, we struggle to understand the depth of God’s fidelity to us.

God proved His faithfulness to Abraham by fulfilling His promise that through him “all the families on earth [would] be blessed” (Genesis 12:3; Acts 3:25). Abraham knew, however, that his future blessings would not come without seasons of distress (Genesis 15:12-16). Even so, God’s steadfast covenant with him would produce a Light in the darkness for all people (Luke 2:32). When He declared to Abraham, “I will protect you, and your reward will be great” (Genesis 15:1), the power of His covenant pointed to the majestic beauty of the cross on which His own Son would die.

Abraham and Sarah not only received new names (Genesis 17:5,15), but answered hopes (v.16). Most important, they learned that God is eternal and exists outside of our fickle whims. He remains constant because it’s impossible for Him to be anything less. His promises, like His love, remain faithful and true today (Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 145:13).

—Regina Franklin

365-day plan: Numbers 22:5-38

Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and consider what it means to live in a covenant relationship with God. 
What experiences have shaped your understanding of what it means to be faithful? How can recalling previous examples of God’s faithfulness strengthen your trust in Him?