ODB: Charity Island

November 9, 2015

READ: Psalm 107:23–32 

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7

Charity Island is the largest island in Saginaw Bay in the Michigan waters of Lake Huron. For many years the island has provided a lighthouse for navigational aid and a safe harbor for those sailing these waters. The island received its name because sailors believed it was there “through the charity of God.”

Sometimes in life we have to navigate through seas of troubling circumstances. Like those sailors we need guidance and a place of safety; we might wish for our own Charity Island. The psalmist understood that God is the one who can bring tranquility to troubled waters and guide us to safe harbors. He wrote, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven” (Ps. 107:29-30).

While no one asks for the storms of life, they can multiply our appreciation for the guidance and refuge God provides. He offers the light of His Spirit and His Word to guide us. It is the safe harbor of His love that we long for. He alone can be our ultimate “Charity Island.”

— Dennis Fisher

Father, help me to seek Your light to guide me through the storms of life.

Share your story of how the Lord has been your light in the comments section below.

The living God will always be our shelter.

Source: Our Daily Bread